Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Drug use in high schools is a topic that high school kids should know about. They should be aware of whats going on around them and how serious some problems might be. Some kids may think that every one smokes pot, or every one drinks alcohol, but not every one does and kids should know. If other teens realize that only some kids use drugs, maybe others won't start. Also statistics show that when some kids start, they don't stop. Kids think they are just going to try it or they just do it every once in a while, but it doesn't stop there. Once they do it once in a while the number of times increases until its once week or even more.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Mike: Where are you getting this information, especially the part about the statistics showing that "when some kids start, they don't stop." That needs to include a link to show your source. All your posts need to include hyperlinks.

Also, what questions or new thinking do you have related to this topic? Use this blog to pose questions that you could answer through your research.

And don't forget to put a title on all your posts.